Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mid-Week Fitzscursion

Fitzgerald's is where you wish you'd hung out in high school, and where you do hang out in your thirties. 

Wednesday found us in need of some block rockin' beats and Shiner. All needs satisfied at Fitz's. The free show opened with Commie Hilfiger (yep)  followed by Anamanaguchi. The Anamanaguchers were a surprising mix of Super Mario sound effects and punk rock, sans vocals. Definitely a band to follow.  Thursday's 8:30am meeting kept me from staying for Peelander Z, which surely did not disappoint. 

Surprises at Fitz's on a Wednesday: Lovely side patio bar and Robert Ellis killing the drums on the downstairs stage. 
                                                          The iconic Fitz's chandelier.